what it is

It’s a movement that galvanizes parents to have a voice in child protection.

how we got here

Having launched Parents Against Child Sex Abuse in 2017, we learned that more is needed to represent and educate parents about protecting children.

our #kidstoo
movement manifest0

#MeToo sparked a movement that shed a light on the countless issues women face each and every day. 

Now, we must shed the same light on the dangers facing our children.

Businesses, predators and people with ulterior motives take advantage of children through exploitation, manipulation and more every day.

Today, we take a stand.

We are putting children first.

We demand legislation, safeguards and accountability.

Children deserve to be born into a world that is safe and preserves their innocence.

They deserve to be believed.

They deserve to be protected.

They deserve action. 

We are here for #KidsToo.

Our Model




The first step to drive change is to raise awareness. As parents, we are dealing with landmines trying to do our best for our children without knowing the work of bad actors putting our children at risk.




Parents like to do right by their children. Once a parent is informed, he/she is more likely to take the action steps needed.




KIDS TOO seeks a culture that puts kids first and seeks accountability to put the onus on child protection across public and private sectors.